


And that is why people met to talk about toilets at the World Toilet Summit. They want to keep people healthy by providing toilets.

The people at the Summit have a goal. They share this goal with World Health Organization. They hope that by the year 2015, the number of people without toilets will be reduced by half.

But, there are problems with providing toilets for many people. First, it can cost a lot of money to start.

That is why so many people in the world still do not have a toilet. So, at the Summit, people discussed ways to make toilets that cost less.

Many toilet companies also attended the Summit. They brought along their ideas for lower priced toilets. One idea came from an Indian company called Sulabh International.

This company created several different models of traditional Indian squat toilets. People do not sit on these toilets. These toilets are on the ground. People lower themselves over them.

These toilets cost less and use very little water.
