苹果首款头显 Introducing Apple Vision Pro


北京时间 6 月 6 日凌晨 2 点,研发七年的苹果头戴显示器设备 Vision Pro,在 WWDC 2023 正式亮相。库克称,Vison Pro 开创了一类新的计算设备,能将数字世界融入真实世界,从而实现增强现实(AR)。这款设备兼容 iOS 和 iPadOS 的各种软件,可以办公、娱乐,拍摄空间视频,并且只需要手、眼和语音就能交互。苹果称这种新的计算范式为“空间计算”。

Introducing Apple Vision Pro.

The era of spatial computing is here.

When you put on Apple Vision Pro, you see your world and everything in it.

Your favorite apps live right in front of you, but now they're in your space.

This is visionOS, Apple's first-ever spatial operating system.

It's familiar, yet groundbreaking.

You navigate with your eyes.

Simply tap to select, flick to scroll, and use your voice to dictate.

It's like magic.

Apps have dimension, react to light, and cast shadows.
