减肥药是真是假 Weight Loss Pills Fact or Fiction


I'm going to guess that you've been on the internet before, and thus you've seen plenty of ads for treatments that will supposedly help you lose weight, "using one weird trick", or you might have seen recent news about research claiming to have discovered what's been described as "exercise in a pill".

Sign me up!

If those things really worked, I'd be speaking for everybody when I said, SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY!

Unfortunately, there's very little scientific evidence that any drug will make you lose weight in a significant amount, safely and healthily.

However! There really are some promising treatments in development right now that do at least SOMETHING to help people lose weight, based on new insights into how your body absorbs nutrients, and uses energy.

So sit down, enjoy your little bacon sandwich there, while we walk you through the facts and fictions of weight-loss in a pill. . . . . . . Let's start with what your doctor can do for real, today.

Because: You actually can get medications for weight loss, by prescription, and they come in two basic categories: appetite suppressants and fat blockers.

Appetite suppressants work by blocking your body's ability to reabsorb the chemical signals that your brain uses, called neurotransmitters, to regulate hunger.

You've probably heard of a couple of these neurotransmittersserotonin and norepinephrine.

They're released by your hypothalamus to make you feel full.
