Every young person NEEDS to hear this! (2020)


You are not a mistake, you are not an accident, you are here for a reason.

I know you're going through some hard times, I know life at times might feel rough, or you might feel weird, or things might be frustrating, but it's not going to always be like this.

Your condition is not your conclusion.

I've got to just take maybe five minutes to kind of just unpack my story, so that you have an idea of who I am, and why I speak with the passion that I speak with.

There was a time when I was in a really dark place.

You know, my mom had me when she was 16 years old, I grew up without my biological father in my life, I struggled with years for drug and alcohol abuse, and I just found myself in a really, really, really weird and dark place.

I had to repeat the seventh grade, and when the eighth grade came around, I'll never forget hearing at a parent-teacher conference, a teacher tell my mom that I was a high school material.

And I came to tell you that words are powerful.

And when I heard that statement, I remember feeling like, wow, you know, like I am really, really a failure, you know?

Like it's one thing to tell a student, hey, okay, you're about to graduate from high school, you're not college material, you're not going to go to an Ivy League, maybe you should go to a tech school, like I've heard that, right?
