Everything changed when the fire crystal got stolen


Someone has tripped the magical alarms in the Element Temple. By the time you and the other monks arrive on the scene,

you know you have a disaster on your hands. Overnight, four young apprentices broke into the temples inner chamber

to steal the sacred element crystals. But when the alarm went off they panicked,

and each of them swallowed the crystal they held right before they were caught. With no idea how to control the crystalsvast powers,

theyll soon transform into uncontrollable elemental spirits. Improbably enough,

the old monk next to you has seen something similar happen before. He explains: “You must determine who ate which crystal

and get each into the proper containment field before they transform. The elements compel their masters:

those who ate the Earth and Water Crystals must speak the truth, while those who consumed Fire and Air must lie."

The youths are too scared to confess their own transgressions. Instead, they fall to accusing each other.

Rikku took the Water crystal!” Sumi blurts out. Rikku interrupts angrily.
