

Jack Ma: Education is the Biggest Challenge of Life

说道Jack Ma,不得不说,这绝对是一个可以记录在世界史册的人物。


犹记,10年前,Jack Ma在香港大学的演讲,提到注重经济危机背后前所未有的机遇。

如今,10年后,Jack Ma依旧用他的乐观的精神,剖析香港三大方面,娓娓道来中,激励着新旧一代!

Distinguished and honorable Chancellor, distinguished Pro. Chancellor, member and chairman of the Council, acting president and vice-chancellor, ladies and gentlemen, friends, and students and alumnus, good afternoon!

I'm extremely honored and moved and touched by this great marvelous, splendid traditional ceremony.

And thank you very much for Hong Kong University, giving me this great trust and honor.

You know, I've been trying to enter University for many times, but I failed three times and went to university.

I never thought in my dreams to become a PhD and of honor.

But I did work very hard. I just failed examinations again and again.

And my story tells that those people who work very hard but fail again and again: Don't give up.

Someday, a great university like Hong Kong University is waiting for you.

And professor Deng and Dr. David Meng, I'm very honored to be with you and thank you very much for giving me this opportunity to speak on behalf of you.

And I also would love to thank professor Charles for this great words for me. And for what people.
