


One thing I would take on a deserted island. . . Oh, my gosh. Okay, one thing?

Whoo! I have to think on that. One thing.

Gosh, I don't even have to think. Moisturizer! Ducky. Ducky's my favorite toy.

iPad and my charger. If I could take one thing with me to a desert island, it would have to be really good reading material.

A book, 'cause I cannot live without my books. One thing?

A boat full of food, 'cause then I could leave on the boat but eat the food. Disney World. Why not?

I'd take my grandchildren, 'cause we could have fun. Probably bring my best friend so I wouldn't have to be alone.

I feel like if you had a cell phone or something, it wouldn't really work. It probably wouldn't have service. Then you'll just be by yourself with Siri, you know? Might as well have your best friend.

I would want a whole CVS pharmacy. 'Cause then I'd just buy out all the water. Probably like a roly mini-fridge, because then I could put water in it. I could put, like, medicine in it.

It runs off of batteries. Let's pretend that will work. Are we talking uninhabited desert island? Rum. That wasn't too tough.
