The Explainer: Running Effective Remote Meetings


Anton has joined the meeting.

While it may be astounding that we can have a virtual meeting with people on different continents, it can also be frustrating.

And these frustrations can affect morale, engagement, productivity, and innovation.

When changes in the ways we communicate lead to changes in how others perceive our communications, this calls for a new set of protocols and behaviors.

Authors Erica Dhawan and Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic have a few rules of thumb for communicating with remote teams. First, since clarity and consistency are key, sticking to a set of agreed upon norms can help avoid confusion.

This could range from a set of acronyms about expected response times to standardizing use of particular communication platforms. Next, remember that you can never be too clear.

Unless you've established a shorthand protocol ahead of time, don't assume others understand your brevity.

Take the extra time to be extra clear, regardless of the medium.

Third, don't bombard your team with messages.

Each time you email, text, or call, imagine that you are physically walking into your colleagues workspace.
