你为什么会焦虑?Why Are You Anxious


Many of us have faced the dark symptoms of anxiety, whether writing an exam or applying for a new job.

But for some, this feeling is difficult to stop even in seemingly normal situations leaving a lasting effect on quality of life. so what's going on and why are you so anxious? ​

Close to 7 million people are affected by generalized anxiety disorder, meaning they experience excessive anxiety that occurs more days than not for at least six month.

This can include sleep disturbance, irritability, and muscle tension.

Panic attacks are also possible but slightly different, in that they are sudden and short episodes of intense fear that trigger a severe physical reaction like accelerated heart rate, shortness of breath, and dizziness.

In fact, anyone can experience a panic attack, whether or not they have an anxiety disorder, and it's not always triggered by something known or specific.

While not fully understood, anxiety is partially triggeredby the amygdala and hypothalamus controlling the circulation of cortisol and adrenaline in your body.

Genetically, 40% of those with ageneralized anxiety disorder also have a relative with it, meaning these hormone levels are likely linked to your genes.

Your environment can also be a factor, as certain anxiety disorders are related to traumatic childhood experiences.

Varying levels of neutron transmitters like GABA, serotonin, and dopamine may also be to blame.
