TED双语精读 | 停止网络暴力,不要指手画脚别人的人生



最近,“网络暴力”又一次被大家所关注。网络暴力,一再夺取了人们的清白和生命。身处网络时代的我们,应该要清楚网络暴力的严重性,以及对于人造成的伤害。人要对自己的言论负责,再敲下键盘时请三思。今天的演讲主人公Jon Ronson曾在书中说过:当羞辱以远距离遥控的无人轰炸机的方式进行,就没人需要去考虑众口铄金这件事了。


I think some people were genuinely upset, but I think for other people, it's because Twitter is basically a mutual approval machine.

We surround ourselves with people who feel the same way we do, and we approve each other, and that's a really good feeling.

And if somebody gets in the way, we screen them out.

And do you know what that's the opposite of?

It's the opposite of democracy.

We wanted to show that we cared about people dying of AIDS in Africa.

Our desire to be seen to be compassionate is what led us to commit this profoundly un-compassionate act.

As Meghan O'Gieblyn wrote in the Boston Review, "This isn't social justice.

It's a cathartic alternative".

For the past three years, I've been going around the world meeting people like Justine Sacco -- and believe me, there's a lot of people like Justine Sacco.


