Can You Have TOO MUCH Protein?


My love forproteinis no secret.

It is the chief macronutrient emphasized when planning a new fitness goal.

General protein guideline is to get roughly 0.8 grams of protein per KILOgram of bodyweight, an amount currently debated within the nutrition industry.

Some suggestions have placed the minimum closer 1 to 1.2 grams per kilogram.

But its clear, consuming more protein than the RDA paired with exercise do show better results in body composition and overall strength.

The ambiguity of an optimal amount however, has us sometimes asking: How much is too much?

Indeed, there are some cause for concern with excessive protein intake, most of which relates to the kidneys.

Chronic kidney damage might be accelerated with prolonged high protein intake.

High protein diets might increase glomerular pressure, negatively impacting blood filtration and renal sufficiency.

In long-term cases, high protein diets have also been linked to the development of kidney stones.
