如何记住读过的内容 How I Remember Everything I Read


In this video, I'm gonna take you through the seven levels along the journey of trying to remember everything that we read.

Hey friends, welcome back to the channel.

If you knew him, my name is Ali.

I'm a doctor based in the UK and on this channel, we explore the strategies and tools that help us live healthier, happier, more productive lives.

And if you're anything like me and you're interested in personal development, lifelong learning, becoming a better thinker and all that stuff you'll know that reading is a very important part of this.

But if you're anything like me, you've read a lot of books, but you've probably forgotten the vast majority of the stuff that you've read and probably haven't yet applied it to your life in the way that you'd liked.

A few months ago, I realized that this was a big issue for me.

And so I've been actively working to try and remedy it.

And so in this video, I'm gonna share what I think are the seven levels along this path of trying to remember more of the stuff that we read and apply to our lives.

We start off our reading careers at level one, the Muggle.
