03 Used to & Would 的区别


Hello, and welcome to today's Grammar Gameshow! I'm your host, Will!

But I won't! And of course let's not forget Leslie, our all-knowing voice in the sky.

Hello, everyone! Tonight we're going to ask you three questions about. . .

"Used to" and "Would"! Those useful words for talking about past habits.

OK! Now, let's meet our contestants! Hi everyone. I'm Mike!

And contestant number two? Hi, Will. I'm Jay!

Welcome back, Mike! OK! Let's get going, and don't forget you can play along at home too.

Ok. Our first question is a quick-fire question, so fingers on the buzzers. Which verb form follows "used to" or "would"?

A verb with no "to"? Leslie?

Good job, Jay. You are correct. After using used "to" or "would", we use a bare infinitive verb.
