

木偶奇遇记 The Adventures of Pinocchio 5|英语名著

    As soon as he gets home, Geppetto fashions the Marionette and calls it Pinocchio. The first pranks of the Marionette Little as Geppetto's house was, it was neat and comfortable. It was a small room on the ground floor, with a tiny window under the stairway. The furniture could not have been much simpler: a very old chair, a rickety old bed, and a tumble-down table. A fireplace full of burning logs was painted on the wall opposite the door. Over the fire, there was painted a pot full of something which kept boiling happily away and sending up clouds of what looked like real steam.

As soon as he reached home, Geppetto took his tool sand began to cut and shape the wood into a Marionette.

"What shall I call him?" he said to himself. "I think I'll call him PINOCCHIO. This name will make his fortune.

I knew a whole family of Pinocchi once--Pinocchio the father, Pinocchia the mother, and Pinocchi the children--and they were all lucky. The richest of them begged for his living." After choosing the name for his Marionette, Geppetto set seriously to work to make the hair, the forehead, the eyes. Fancy his surprise when he noticed that these eyes moved and then stared fixedly at him. Geppetto, seeing this, felt insulted and said in a grieved tone:

"Ugly wooden eyes, why do you stare so?" There was no answer.

After the eyes, Geppetto made the nose, which began to stretch as soon as finished. It stretched and stretched and stretched till it became so long, it seemed endless.

Poor Geppetto kept cutting it and cutting it, but the more he cut, the longer grew that impertinent nose. In despair he let it alone.

Next he made the mouth.

杰佩托住在一间很小的地下室,只有楼梯底行道进来一点儿光。用具简单得不能再简单,只有破破烂烂的一把椅子、一张床、一张小桌子。里面墙上有个小壁炉,生着火,可火是画出来的,火上面有个锅子,锅子也是画出来的,锅子在滚得热气腾腾,热气同样是画出来的,可画得跟真的一模一样。 杰佩托一回家,马上拿起工具,动手就刻他的木偶。 “给他取个什么名字呢?”杰佩托自言自语说,“我就叫他皮诺乔吧。这个名字会给他带来幸福。我认识一家人,都叫皮诺乔:皮诺乔爸爸,皮诺乔妈妈,皮诺乔老大、老二、老三……他们一家都过得很好,其中最富的一个讨饭吃。” 杰佩托给木偶取好了名字,就埋头干起活来,一下子就给他刻出了头发,刻出了脑门,刻出了眼睛。 眼睛刚刻好,请诸位想象一下杰佩托有多么惊奇吧,他发觉这两只眼睛自己骨碌碌动起来,接着一眨也不眨地瞪着他看。杰佩托给这双木头眼睛瞪得受不住了,生气地说: “木头傻眼睛,干吗瞪着我?” 没有回答。 做完眼睛,又做鼻子。鼻子刚做好,它就开始长起来,长啊,长啊,长啊,才几分钟,已经变成一个很长很长的长鼻子,还没完没了地长下去。 可怜的杰佩托拼命要把鼻子截短,可他越是截,这个鼻子就毫不客气地变得越是长。 做完了鼻子做嘴巴。