What If Everyone Went To Sleep At The Same Time? - Dear Blocko #14


Hey there! Welcome to another episode of Dear Blocko!

This is the show where I answer your questions about your world and my world. Lets get started with our first question.

James Q asks #DEARBLOCKO What if everyone went to sleep at the same time?

Well, if everyone in the world decided to completely sync up their bedtimes, things would get pretty weird.

To begin with, certain portions of the world would be sleeping during daylight hours. This would not only disrupt their natural circadian rhythm and sleep-wake cycle,, but

would force them to work at night, making outdoor jobs, like construction and agriculture, very difficult.

This regimented sleep time would also affect energy production and carbon dioxide emissions. While everyone is asleep, power grids would feel a sigh of relief and emissions would

decline. But when everyone wakes up around the same time and starts using their lights and appliances,

emissions would surge due to all the power stations firing up - something critics of Earth Hour have pointed out.,,

And with people up and working at night, we would use more electricity for lighting than the 232 billion killowatthours the United States already consumes yearly for homes and
