种族主义科学为变革创造了条件 The Science of Racism Creators for Change


Racism is real.

And it can not only cause psychological pain.

But also physiological damage to those who experience it.

So today we're gonna look at the science of racism using studies and evidence to see exactly how it impacts individuals, uncover what makes people racist in the first place and understand what we can do to successfully combat it right now.

Every time a resume comes across somebody's desk, the name on it makes a difference.

After sending out over 1300 fake resumes and response to employment ads, scientists found that resumes with more traditionally sounding black names receive 50% fewer callbacks than those with more white sounding names.

Again, these resumes are literally identical except for the names.

This shows how one aspect of racism can have a significant impact on opportunities.

Now classism is a huge issue.

Studies show that if you grow up in poverty, you'll experience more discrimination than people that are wealthier than you.
