提升记忆力的七种方法 7 Memory Tricks to Learn Anything Faster!


Hey, everyone! And welcome to TopThink. Today we're gonna learn about 7 memory tricks to learn anything faster.

Now, let's begin. NO. 1 The Production Effect

Have you ever locked your car only to forget 5 minutes later whether you locked it or not? Why do we have so much trouble remembering such obvious things?

Well, your memories are separated into 2 different categories: Implicit and Explicit. Implicit memories are things you remember unconsciously.

You don't recall brushing your teeth or eating breakfast most mornings. Because you do these activities without thinking.

Explicit memories, on the other hand, are things we consciously remember. When you study for a test, this information is a lot easier to recall.

Because you're making a conscious effort to learn. Habitual activities, like locking your car, fall into your implicit memory.

We do them so often that it doesn't make sense to store each one as a conscious thought. Since you're essentially doing it without thinking, it's hard to be 100% sure that it actually happened.

This is where the production effect comes in to play. It converts an implicit memory into an explicit memory by bringing your attention to your behavior.

All you have to do is say what you're doing out loud. It's incredibly simple and it takes no extra effort.
