血压健康食物 7 Foods to Lower Your Blood Pressure


今天是第 18 个世界高血压日。目前,我国成人高血压患病人数约 2.45 亿,并且有越来越年轻化的趋势。除了依靠药物控制血压外,在日常生活中选择健康的生活方式和食物。

About one in three American adults have high blood pressure.

And, unfortunately, there's no magic- bullet food that can lower it.

However, certain foods can help.

Start with walnuts.

Eating a half cup of walnuts daily has been shown to help lower blood pressure, improve blood flow and even shrink your waist.

Walnuts contain healthy fats, magnesium and fiber, which may be why they're good for blood pressure.

Second, beets and beet juice are rich in nitrates, which can help widen your blood vessels and improve blood pressure.

In one study, drinking just eight ounces of beet juice lowered participants' blood pressure for 24 hours, so drink up.

Flaxseed is a third good choice.

People with hypertension who ate just three tablespoons of flaxseed daily for six months lowered their blood pressure by an average of 10 percent.
