如果人类登陆木星会发生什么? What Would Happen If Humans Tried To Land On Jupiter


The best way to explore a new world is to land on it. That's why humans have sent spacecraft to the Moon, Venus, Mars, Saturn's moon Titan, and more.

But there are a few places in the solar system we will never understand as well as we'd like. One of them is Jupiter.

Jupiter is made of mostly hydrogen and helium gas, so trying to land on it would be like trying to land on a cloud here on Earth. There's no outer crust to break your fall on Jupiter, just an endless stretch of atmosphere.

The big question then is, could you fall through one end of Jupiter and out the other? Turns out, you wouldn't even make it halfway.

First thing's first, Jupiter's atmosphere has no oxygen, so make sure you bring plenty with you to breathe. The next problem is the scorching temperatures, so pack an air conditioner.

Now you're ready for a journey of epic proportions. For scale, here's how many Earths you could stack from Jupiter's centre.

As you enter the top of the atmosphere, you're travelling at 110,000 miles-per-hour under the pull of Jupiter's gravity. But brace yourself.

You'll quickly hit the denser atmosphere below, which will hit you like a wall. It won't be enough to stop you, though.

After about three minutes, you'll reach the cloud tops 155 miles down. Here, you'll experience the full brunt of Jupiter's rotation.

Jupiter is actually the fastest rotating planet in our solar system. One day lasts about nine-and-a-half Earth hours.
