

木偶奇遇记 The Adventures of Pinocchio 7|英语名著

"I deserve it!" he said to himself. "I should have thought of this before I made him. Now it's too late!" He took hold of the Marionette under the arms and put him on the floor to teach him to walk.

Pinocchio's legs were so stiff that he could not move them, and Geppetto held his hand and showed him how to put out one foot after the other.

When his legs were limbered up, Pinocchio started walking by himself and ran all around the room. He came to the open door, and with one leap he was out into the street. Away he flew!

Poor Geppetto ran after him but was unable to catch him, for Pinocchio ran in leaps and bounds, his two wooden feet, as they beat on the stones of the street, making as much noise as twenty peasants in wooden shoes.

"Catch him! Catch him!" Geppetto kept shouting.

But the people in the street, seeing a wooden Marionette running like the wind, stood still to stare and to laugh until they cried.

At last, by sheer luck, a Carabineer[2] happened along, who, hearing all that noise, thought that it might be a runaway colt, and stood bravely in the middle of the street, with legs wide apart, firmly resolved to stop it and prevent any trouble.

“我这是自作自受!”杰佩托自言自语,“一开头就该想到这一点!现在已经来不及了!” 他抱住木偶的肢窝,把他放在地板上,要教他走路。 皮诺乔的腿僵硬着,不会动。杰佩托搀着他的手,教他一步一步地走。 等到腿一会动,皮诺乔就开始自己走了,接着他满屋子乱跳,最后跑出大门,蹦到街上,溜走了。 可怜的杰佩托在他后面追,可是追不上,因为皮诺乔这小坏蛋蹦蹦跳跳,像只野兔。他那双木脚却在路面上劈劈啪啪,活像二十双农民的木头鞋在响。 “抓住他!抓住他!”杰佩托大叫。可街上的人看见木偶跑得像匹小马驹,只是停下来望着他出神,哈哈地笑啊笑啊,笑得无法形容。 幸亏最后碰到一个警察,他听到人们吵吵闹闹,以为是一匹马驹从主人手里逃走了,于是大胆地站在路当中,跨开一双粗腿,决心要把马拦住,免得闯大祸。