


Hi, I'm Scientific American podcast editor Steve Mirsky. And here's a short piece from the March 2020 issue of the magazine,

in the section called Advances: Dispatches from the Frontiers of Science, Technology and Medicine. The article is titled "Quick Hits," and it's a rundown of some noncoronavirus stories from around the globe,

compiled by assistant news editor Sarah Lewin Frasier. From the Dominican Republic:

A sunken museum at La Caleta Underwater National Park will preserve in place a ship that sank in 1725, complete with real (and replica) artifacts kept underwater for people to explore.

Submerged artifacts often degrade faster when removed from the sea. From Greenland:

New simulations indicate that a rocky valley detected under the island's ice sheet may contain a 1,600-kilometer-long subterranean river, flowing from central Greenland to its northern coast.

From Greece: Archaeologists uncovered gold, jewels and beads in a large building on the now uninhabited Minoan island of Chrysi,

a location that about 3,500 years ago was devoted to making purple dye from sea snails called Murex. From England:

Researchers found 1,700-year-old chicken eggs, along with other ancient objects, in a waterlogged pit in southeastern England. A few eggs broke during extraction, releasing a sulfurous smell-

but one remained intact, making it the only complete egg found from Roman Britain. From Australia:
