课堂如何记笔记?How to Take Notes in Class: The 5 Best Methods


What is the best system for taking notes in class?

Luckily for you, I did the research and it turns out that there are five different note-taking systems that are generally accepted to be pretty darn good.

Of course, I will be representing these note-taking systems with Street Fighter characters because, why not.

The five note-taking systems I'm going to go over in this video include the outline method, the Cornell method, the mind map method, the flow method and the write on the slides method.

The first note-taking system on my list is the outline method.

I chose Ryu to represent it because the outline method is straightforward, based on hierarchy, disciplined and overall very simple.

In fact, you couldn't get more simple than the outline method unless you were just straight up writing paragraph notes down.

If you think that's going to be a good note-taking method, well, things are not going to work out for you.

The outline method is a note-taking system that's based on bullet points and hierarchy.

Basically, to take outline style notes you simply create top-level bullet points of all of the main points in the lecture.
