为什么洗澡的时候屁更臭 Why Do Your Farts Smell Worse in the Shower


Even if you're not a huge fan of talking about it, and to be clear I don't understand that impulse, you, me, and everybody else farts, and the average person does it up to 20 times a day.

Most farts don't smell that great even on a good day, but if you've ever let one rip in the shower, you might know that they can smell worse in there.


Nothing wakes you up in the morning like a nice, hot noseful of your own butt gas.

We've talked quite a lot about farting before on SciShow, and if you want to know what makes them smell the way they do, you can watch our episode about it.

Mostly, you can thank bacteria living in your gut, which produce a bunch of lovely, gross-smelling chemicals.

And the smell just seems to get worse when you take a shower.

Some of that is because you're stuck in a closed space and there's nowhere for you or the gas to go, unlike if you farted in a nice open field or while you're traveling down an escalator.

The main reason it smells especially bad is because of the added humidity.

Your sense of smell is super important.
