《小马宝莉:新世代》中的小细节 Small Details You Missed In My Little Pony: A New Generation | Netflix



Equestria experiences a bit of a revolution in "My Little Pony: A New Generation."

The film takes fans of the beloved "My Little Pony" series into the future, when the nation has become heavily divided.

But there's still one lonely pony who believes in unity amongst all with hooves, and that's Sunny, who was raised to cherish the historic bond between all ponies, whether winged, horned, or otherwise.

When a spritely Unicorn named Izzy strolls into town in search of new friends, she and Sunny begin an epic journey to restore magic and togetherness throughout the land. "My Little Pony:A New Generation" is a delightful watch for audiences of all ages.

It's also packed with small details, so here's a deep look into what you might not have noticed the first time around in "My Little Pony:A New Generation." Sunny's father, Argyle, is a bit of a mystery in "A New Generation." The film never explains why he's become such an avid believer in restoring relations between the three types of ponies in Equestria -- nor what ultimately takes him out of his daughter's life when she grows up.

What we do know about Argyle, though, is that he's something of a soothsayer.

And it's certainly no accident that he quietly entrusts her with the key that will unlock the return of magic in the land.

"Pretty neat, huh?" Perhaps the most poignant piece of future-telling on Argyle's part comes very early in the film when he and Sunny play dress-up.

It's just child's play at this particular moment, but later, she becomes exactly what Argyle made her that one magical day -- a Pegasus-winged, Unicorn-horned Earth Pony who boasts the best features of all three species at once.

It's almost like Sunny's dad knew this would be her destiny right from the start.
