YOU vs Half-Life's Gordon Freeman (Could You Defeat And Survive Him)


It's another wonderful day in City 17, or at least you think it is.

Truth is ever since you started drinking Dr. Breen's Private Reserve, you really can't remember if you've ever had a bad day before in your life.

Then again, you can't remember much about your old life anyways because just like any career-focused Combine Civil Protection Force member, you opted in for the memory erasure in order to ensure fast promotion.

Who needs personal memories when you're raking in all that sweet, sweet mullah!

Besides, you think you like your life much better now.

At least it's quieter, and you seem to vaguely recall something about evil spirits, possessed girlfriends, and throwing said girlfriends off cliffs or out windows.

Oh well, new alien overlords, new you.

As you watch from your post on City 17's train station, the latest citizen transfer train rolls in.

Oh boy, you sigh to yourself, more goobers from other cities come to see the glory that is The Citadel.

Well, you resolve to rough up a few of them, wether they have authorized transfer tickets or not.
