

2 101斑点狗

[00:00:00] 101 Dalmatians 101斑点狗 My story begins in London. . . not so very long ago. [00:00:03] 我的故事开始于伦敦… 就在不久以前。

[00:00:06] Yet so much has happened. Since then that it seems more like an eternity. [00:00:08] 从那时到现在, 发生了不少的事情. 我还以为那些事不会结束呢.

[00:00:11] At that time I lived with my pet. . . in a bachelor flat just off Regent's Park. [00:00:14] 那时候, 我跟我的宠物住在雷金公园附近的单身公寓.

[00:00:18] It was a beautiful spring day, a tedious time of the year for bachelors. [00:00:21] 春光无限美好, 对单身汉来说却是乏味的.

[00:00:24] Oh, that's my pet, Roger. . . Roger Radcliff, a musician of sorts. [00:00:28] 哦, 那就是我的宠物罗杰. 瑞提. 我想他是个音乐家吧!

[00:00:31] No, no, I'm the one with the spots. My name is Pongo. And you know, 哦, 不, 我是那个带斑点的家伙. 我呢, 就是庞哥. [00:00:38] as far as I could see, the old notion that a bachelor's life was so 如你所知, 就我的了解, 那些有关单身生活 glamorous and carefree was all nonsense, it was downright dull!

[00:00:46] 无忧无虑的说法全是胡说八道, 单身生活实在无聊. [00:00:49] It was plain to see that my old pet needed someone, 很明显我的有些年纪的宠物需要个伴, but if it were left up to Roger, we'd be bachelors forever.

[00:00:55] 但是罗杰认为, 我们永远都是单身汉, He was married to his work, writing songs, 他已经娶了他的工作--那些罗曼蒂克的歌 songs about romance of all things, something he knew absolutely nothing about. [00:01:04] 那些他根本不懂得的东西.

[00:01:07] Oh, he's intelligent enough, as humans go. [00:01:10] 以人类的眼光来看, 他是够聪明的了.

[00:01:14] And I think you could say Roger is a rather handsome animal in his way. [00:01:16] 我认为他长得相当英俊, I could see no reason why my pet didn't deserve an attractive mate.
