When to Use "Me," "Myself," and "I"




" Me, " " myself, " and " I" — you may be tempted to use these words interchangeably because they all refer to the same thing.

But in fact, each one has a specific role in a sentence.

" I" is a subject pronoun, " me" is an object pronoun, and " myself" is a reflexive or intensive pronoun.

So what does that reveal about where each word belongs?

Let's start with the difference between subject and object.

Imagine the subject as the actor in a sentence and the object as the word that is acted upon. " I invited her, but she invited me" .

The object can also be the object of a preposition. " She danced around me, while he shimmied up to me" .

In some languages, like Latin and Russian, most nouns have different forms that distinguish subjects from objects. However, in English, that's only true of pronouns.

But so long as you know how to distinguish subjects from objects, you can figure out what belongs where.

And when you encounter a more complicated sentence, say, one that involves multiple subjects or objects, and you're not sure whether to use " I" or " me, " just temporarily eliminate the other person, and once again, distinguish subject from object.
