'Crazy Rich Asians' Cast on Hollywood Stereotypes


近日北美热映的《疯狂亚洲富豪》(Crazy Rich Asians,又译《摘金奇缘》)是一部全部由亚裔演员主演的好莱坞爱情喜剧片,也是25年来好莱坞推出的第一个大制作的亚裔美国人题材的影片。

自1993年讲述美华离散故事的《喜福会》上映以来,好莱坞已经有 25 年没有过主要由亚裔参演的英语电影了。


What stereotype would you like to see just completely retired from Hollywood?

I do not want to see any stereotype retired from Hollywood, I know it's controversial.

I want to see the people who have been stereotyped given their own story. Because the danger of a stereotype is that they're one-dimensional. I love that we have sexy Asian leading men.

The Nick you're dating is Nick Young? You guys know them or something? Hells yeah, they're just the biggest developers in all of Singapore. Zamn Rachel, it's like the Asian bachelor.

But I also want nerdy Asian men to feel that they are worthy of love, and the problem is of when you make fun of them in the secondary role where you don't explore their whole lives.

That's why I keep stressing this thing about being the center of the story, not 'cause I wanna be like oh, I'm the star, but because that's how you get rid of stereotypes, not by trying to be the cool guy because that makes the other guy feel like they're not worth anything.

But if you say to that other guy, or that other girl, even though you're not the beauty queen, you have a story and people want to know and you have depth to you, you have more than one dimension.

So I think we should take a lot of the stereotypes and just give them their own story so they can get to show more than one dimension.

I remember when I first came here to Hollywood. It was always an excuse why there is an Asian face, so it has to be, oh she comes from Chinatown, she's the waitress, she's from the laundromat or the checkout or something like this.

Why do we have to be explained? Because you are very much part of the society here in America, right? So they shouldn't be.
