

木偶奇遇记 The Adventures of Pinocchio 6|英语名著

No sooner was it finished than it began to laugh and poke fun at him.

"Stop laughing!" said Geppetto angrily; but he might as well have spoken to the wall.

"Stop laughing, I say!" he roared in a voice of thunder.

The mouth stopped laughing, but it stuck out a long tongue.

Not wishing to start an argument, Geppetto made believe he saw nothing and went on with his work.

After the mouth, he made the chin, then the neck, the shoulders, the stomach, the arms, and the hands.

As he was about to put the last touches on the fingertips, Geppetto felt his wig being pulled off. He glanced up and what did he see? His yellow wig was in the Marionette's hand. "Pinocchio, give me my wig!" But instead of giving it back, Pinocchio put it on his own head, which was half swallowed up in it.

At that unexpected trick, Geppetto became very sad and downcast, more so than he had ever been before.

"Pinocchio, you wicked boy!" he cried out. "You are not yet finished, and you start out by being impudent to your poor old father. Very bad, my son, very bad!" And he wiped away a tear.

The legs and feet still had to be made. As soon as they were done, Geppetto felt a sharp kick on the tip of his nose.

嘴巴还没做完,就马上张开来笑了, “别笑!”杰佩托生气地说。可他这句话像是对着墙说的,说了也是白搭。 “我再说一遍,别笑!”他用吓唬他的口气大叫。 嘴巴于是停了笑,可整条舌头都伸出来了, 杰佩托为了不耽误工作,假装没看见,继续干他的活。 做完嘴巴做下巴,接着做脖子,做肩膀,做肚子,做胳膊,做手。 手刚做好,杰佩托就觉得头上的假发套给拉掉了。他抬头一看,可是看见什么啦?只见他那头黄色假发拿在木偶的手里。 “皮诺乔!……马上把头发还我!” 可皮诺乔不但不把假发还他,反把它戴到自己头上。假发把他整个头套住,几乎把他闷了个半死。 木偶这么没规没矩,杰佩托觉得有生以来还没有这样悲伤难受过。他转脸向皮诺乔说: “你这个小坏蛋!还没把你做完,你已经这样不尊敬父亲了!真坏,我的孩子,你真坏!” 他擦掉眼泪。 接下来只剩下做腿,做脚了。 杰佩托把脚一做好,就感到鼻尖上给踢了一脚。