

19-8-14 【地道美语111】Typhoon 风王利奇马登陆中国沿海,台风科普应急须知



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#台风那些事# 今年9次台风登陆中国,风暴级别最高当属风王利奇马,短时间内数百万人口受灾,数千列车航班停运,全国人民心系灾区,救援迅速得力令人振奋。谈台风,说救援,科普飓风知识,高温高湿低气压热带气旋形成不可预计,沿海地区如何做好家庭简易便捷台风应急。【地道美语】#热点身边事# Typhoon 

Dialogue : (课堂全文本于微信公众号【英语PK台】课后发送,参与直播互动中译英练习需加京晶微信goingforgold2018 拉入群

dialogue 1

Jingjing: Mark, have you been hearing about the--------------------?

Mark:  Yeah,I heard there have been-------------yphoons this year.

Jingjing: It's a major year for ----------.  And the-----------just hit China. It's called the Lekima.

Mark:  Wheredid it -----------------------?

Jingjing: Mostly ------------.  But it affected areas as far ------------ There were storms in------and ----------------------

Mark:  Wowthat's a huge area.  Were people ----------?

Jingjing: Last I heard, the --------------.  Also, a large numberof people are ---------.  More than a million people had to be-------------------------

Mark:  That'sa major storm system, to be sure.  It must be terrible for families ---------------

Jingjing: More than ----------------------- have been cancelled.

Mark:  Wow,that's a lot of people ------------- in airports and trainstations.

Jingjing: The government issued a -----------and put more than ----------onstandby as well as 36,000 ----------and ------------------------

Mark:  It'sgood to have so many ---------------- ready to help. ----------------------

Jingjing: Right.  The one inspiring thing at a time like this is so manypeople ------------

Mark:  Yes. There are a lot of---------------from events like these.  I'm surethe hard work done by---------------------- has kept thousands of people --------------

Jingjing: More than a --------- if you count the people who were helped to -----------

Jingjing:  Itgot ------------soon after the typhoon---------------.  Now it's mostlyheavy rain, high winds, and all the work to ----------------------------

Mark:  Well,let's hope this is the last typhoon this year.  -------------------


dialogue 2

Jingjing: So, Mark, do you know the difference between a----------------------

Mark:  It'scalled something different depending on ----------------  Typhoons are inthe northwestern ------------, and Hurricanes are in the ------------------

Jingjing: Right.  Both of them are ---------------- Do youknow how they are formed?

Mark:  I know---------aboutthem.  You could probably tell me more.

Jingjing:  Iremember reading that several conditions are -------------a typhoon might notbe formed.

Mark:  Whatare those conditions?

Jingjing: --------------------,and a low pressure center, to name a few.

Mark:  Wow,it must be hard to predict----------------- a typhoon will form.

Jingjing: Yes.  They are created ----------.  And even then it's hard toknow -----------------when it makes landfall.

Mark:  Wow. People don't know until the last minute how much they should prepare forthe storm.  What are some -------------?

Jingjing:  Ithink it's good for people to keep --------------------- ready in at home.-

Mark:  Whatshould go in that bag?

Jingjing:  Itshould include a -----------------, and some -----------------------.

Mark:  Thatand a few sets of ---------------and every family is ready to-------------

Jingjing: Well, if someone has to ------ it's good just to --------------- one bagand go quickly.



new words andphrases


from dialogue 1

make landfall  when astorm reaches the coast of a continent

inland  landfar away from the coast

death toll  thenumber of people who have died in a disaster

evacuate  whenpeople move quickly away from a disaster area, leaving their homes and most oftheir belongings

stranded  stuckin a place where someone didn't plan to stay

red alert  awarning made by the government about a very severe disaster



from dialogue 2

cyclone  acircular storm with inward spiraling winds that rotate around a center of lowpressure

humidity  theamount of water vapor in the air

first aid kit  asmall bag or box with medical supplies including bandages and medicine

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