This is how we prevent the next pandemic


近日,盖茨基金会公布了署名为 “比尔和梅琳达”的 2021 盖茨年信《这一年,全球健康与你我休戚与共》。信中指出,在新冠肆虐的当下,还有很多人深受其害,我们很难预计疫情何时才会终结。而当那一刻终于来临的时候,历史会铭记那些在疫情中涌现的卓越领导者,因为正是他们带领我们走出了这次危机。

We all want to return to the way things were before COVID-19.

But there's one area where I hope we never go back: Our complacency about pandemics.

We can get ahead of infectious-disease outbreaks.

By the next pandemic, I believe we can have what I call mega-testing diagnostic platforms.

They can be deployed quickly, cost very little, and test 20% of the entire population every week.

We also want to get treatments out far faster next time.

One of the most promising is monoclonal antibodies.

These manufactured antibodies grab onto the virus and disable it, just like your immune system and can reduce death rates by as much as 80%.

I also think that we'll develop new vaccines quickly, in large part due to this new mRNA platform.

mRNA will become faster to develop, easier to store, and lower cost.
