5 books Bill Gates loved in 2018



小编也为大家准备了一份寒假书单,涵盖不同等级的有声书。点击我挑选书籍,内涵配套讲义+测评~ 这个寒假不颓废!

The holidays are a great time to read new books.

Here's a few of my favorites.

Educated by Tara Westover.

It's interesting that she's a such a good writer.

I mean to go from growing up in Idaho, homeschooled and "I'm just gonna do what my dad says," to being a Cambridge PhD.

She not only found a way out, she found her way out with a lot of self-respect and immense capability.

Yuval Noah Harari's 21 Lessons for the 21st Century.

He's a really strong thinker.

He makes it clear that big problems they're not solvable by a single country.

The human mind wants to worry about the dilemmas we face today.
