05 如何健康增重 How to Gain Weight the Right Way


As popular as weight loss videos are, it's time to look at the other side of the scale. The notion of gaining weight has escaped the grasp of many naturally skinny individuals.

It seems like no matter what they do, they can't put on a single ounce of extra mass. And it doesn't help that people on the internet and even supposed fitness gurus, are telling you that there's no way you can gain weight because of your "genetics."

Fortunately, such a blatant claim is blatantly false. Undoubtedly, there are genetic differences to each person's body, but, barring any diseases, anyone can not only put on mass, but huge amounts of muscle as well.

Fundamentally, it comes down to two things: 1, eating the appropriate amount of food, and 2, having a proper workout plan.

Yes, you might be thinking, "I've already tried that and it doesn't work!" Thing is, it's as much of an excuse as a person overweight saying that they've tried all types of diet and still can't lose weight.

Fact is, nothing will ever escape the law of thermodynamics. Energy cannot be destroyed nor created.

It can only be converted from one form to another. That is, for weight gain, one must eat more calories than he or she burns.

And some of you might think that not all calories are equal, and it's true. The three caloric macronutrients that we humans consume, proteins, carbohydrates, and fats, serve very different purposes, but they all are essentially energy for the body.

Eat more than enough and the body stores the excess away, and you gain weight. So, increasing calorie intake is the name of the game.

You've probably heard people and perhaps even fitness pros tell you to, just eat more. Heck, double what you're eating now and you'll gain weight in no time!
