如果富士山明天喷发 What If Mt. Fuji Exploded Tomorrow?



Day X has arrived.

Mount Fuji, Japan's most famous volcano, is erupting for the first time in 300 years.

It's raining ash, lava and toxic gases down on the world's largest city.

What would be like to witness this epic eruption?

How much ash would cover Tokyo like a dark gray blanket?

This is WHAT IF and here is what would happen if Mount Fuji exploded tomorrow. Mt. Fuji is located only 100 kilometers from Tokyo, where 37 million people live.

But this tall, cone-shaped giant isn't just any mountain.

It's a stratovolcano.

The last time Mt. Fuji erupted was over 300 years ago.

When it blew up back in 1707, it blanketed the city in ash.
