


hey guys, dr. Axe here, doctor of functional medicine, nutritionist.

In this video I'm going to share with you my top 7 home remedies to cure cold fast.

And then I know when you have a cold there's nothing you want to do more then get rid of it really quickly.

So what I'm going to share with you right now could help you eliminate your cold in 24 hours or less, if you follow it exactly.

So I'm going to go over my top 7 home remedies along with a few diet tips here over the next couple minutes.

The first thing you should start doing if you want to kick a cold fast is start consuming echinacea.

In fact there are studies showing that echinacea can help you kick cut down your cold and flu time by more than fifty percent cut it down by a whole day and a half.

So echinacea is very very effective.

So I would find a good echinacea supplement starting using that right away.

The second thing is elderberry or elderberry syrup.
