

03 国家地理:非洲失落的伊甸园 Africa's Lost Eden

While Gorongosa awaits its new elephants, the dry season sets in.

The rivers evaporate in the blistering heat.

For the crocodiles, the great survivors, this may mean some additions to the menu.

Warthogs and baboons have overrun the park in the absence of large numbers of lions and other big predators.

With water at a premium, they're drawn to the shrinking shores now thick with crocodiles hidden beneath the water cabbage.

As warthog hunters, crocodiles are no substitute for the big cats.

They still do their part by keeping the catfish population down.

Catching a catfish is one thing, keeping it is another.

When not hunting, crocodiles of all sizes haul out to bask.

There's a pecking order here and a monstrous specimen ponderously takes a prime spot.
