一小时内次数最多的蹦极 Most Bungee Jumps in One Hour Guinness World Records


Three, two, one, go!

I have a personal goal to do something every day that expands three things: my courage, my confidence, and my excellence.

I'm doing that since a young age, and I started to do adventure sports many many years ago and it's just kind of become a lifestyle.

Bungee jumping is one of my favorite, probably my favorite sport to do.

I find it quite a stress release actually.

Okay, so we're halfway through the attempt.

Linda's just completed her 10th jump at 23 minutes and 30 seconds, which means she's way ahead of schedule to achieve this record.

If she keeps this up, I am suspecting we might get to 21 or 22 jumps which would be a phenomenal achievement.

So we'll just see how she goes with the pacing, how she's feeling.

She seems to be doing really well at the moment.
