How to make a Salmon Poke Bowl in 15 minutes! | Nadiya's Time to Eat - BBC


波奇碗是种舶来美食,源于彩虹之州夏威夷,至今已有几百年历史,是当时渔民把新鲜渔获切块做成的一种小吃。新鲜捕捞的鱼和海鲜刚刚出水就处理干净,既不加热也不烹调,只是切成小块立方体并加入调料或淋上酱汁摆在一碗米饭上,这就做成了一份poke bowl。从食材到烹调全都是简化到了极致,而味道却充满层次,让人欲罢不能。此外,Poke Bowl独特的鱼加蔬菜加碳水化合物的组合,刚好是一顿标准的健康餐,低脂肪高营养,健身后吃两碗都丝毫不会有愧疚感。

This salmon poke bowl is my take on this hip Hawaiian dish.

It's delicious, nutritious and, best of all, super fast and easy to make.

Every good poke bowl starts off with rice.

You could use any rice that you want but I like sushi rice because it's a short grain and it's really sticky.

If you're really short of time, just heat up some microwave packet stuff - easy peasy.

But cooking rice from scratch is in my DNA.

My grandad was a rice farmer and if we didn't know how to cook rice by the age of about seven, you're ostracised.

But don't worry, I have a foolproof method that will ensure you'll never end up wasting your time.

Find yourself a wooden spoon and stick a line on it, about a centimetre and a half.

And as soon as you kind of have enough water up to that line, that's about right.
