Mysteries from the Bottom of the Ocean


The ocean covers 71% of the Earth's surface, yet  humans have only mapped a small percentage of the ocean floor.

From shallow coastlines to deep  sea trenches, the ocean floor offers diverse, often extreme ecosystems, where many of the  world's strangest creatures survive and flourish.

What lives in the ocean's most  extraordinary oases?

What mysterious phenomena are hiding at the bottom of the ocean?

When you stand on the beach and look across the ocean's surface, you may see nothing but  shimmering water, stretching beyond the horizon; but under the surface, the ocean is teeming with  spectacular organisms, thriving inside a wide array of complex and delicate ecosystems. Along coastlines, estuaries, and islands, marine plants and animals flourish in sunny, shallow waters.

The bright sunlight nurtures many vibrant ecosystems, but none as biodiverse as  tropical coral reefs, the rainforests of the sea.

Coral reefs are living ecosystems, built by  hard, colorful coral.

Often mistaken as flora, corals are marine invertebrates that grow  in tight clusters along the ocean floor.

Warm-water corals maintain a symbiotic  relationship with microscopic algae called zooxanthellae.

Zooxanthellae  live safely inside coral tissue, providing their hosts with oxygen and energy.
