How to Stop Feeling Tired in the Afternoon



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It's 3:00 p. m. and your motivation to do literally anything has evaporated.

You feel tired, you can't focus, and the idea of starting any of the tasks on your to-do list is just mentally exhausting.

In other words, you've hit the afternoon slump and you're not alone.

Millions of people around the world hit this wave of tiredness during the early afternoons every single day, which is actually a problem for me 'cause people who are tired tend not to watch YouTube for quite as long.

So let me help you out real quick. Is this in frame?

Is this helping? Are you awake? Okay, hopefully that helped at least somewhat.

Let's get back to the video. So like I just said, this is something that happens to millions of people.

If you get tired in the afternoon, if you feel like you should be going to bed but, for some reason, the sun's still out.

Well, that is an absolutely common experience.

So what I want to do today is share a three-step process that you can go through, whenever you find yourself in an afternoon slump, battling that afternoon brain fog. Going through these things can help you gain back at least some of your energy to tackle the rest of your to-do list before you end the day.
