最强英音:极具语言天赋的Emilia Fox










今天,在专栏《最强英音》中,我和大家一起分享Emilia Fox。她真的是出身在所谓thespian的家庭中。父母都是演员,她的brother是演员,连她的uncle和三位cousins都是演员。她的great gandmother也是演员。




她在牛津St Catherine's College攻读英语,但是精通德语和法语,而且据说西班牙语也很溜。经常会在各种综艺节目中展示自己的绕口令,是公认很有语言天赋的人。自然在口音上也不例外。她录的有声书,我看到的大约就有24部。又是一位典型的甜美类型,却有着底气十足的女声典型。今天和大家分享的是Emilia Fox朗读一位重病患者写的日记。是很好的英音学习的范本。



I’d been poorly for a few months before being rushed into hospital one Friday morning in May. At first, I was told I had breast cancer. It was a shock but, that’s OK I thought, people survive. Five days later I was told that it had spread to my bones. That I had secondary breast cancer, and that it was terminal. That year passed in a blur of hospital appointments, scans, chemo and radiotherapy. I only found out later that I wasn’t expected to make it past Christmas. The moment I was told I had a terminal illness something inside me changed, and I became stronger.

Don’t get me wrong, I was scared - so scared. You assume you’re going to die almost immediately and all I could think about were my children. They needed me. My relationship didn’t work out, so now I am a single mum to three gorgeous children. It’s hard, it’s tiring but it gives me something to focus on and a reason to get out of bed every day. I urgently needed to give them experiences, make memories. I didn’t know how long I had, so tie was of the essence. We did so much in that first year.

You almost have to grieve the life you were living and the future you had planned. But slowly, very slowly, you adjust and somehow you find a new normal. Every so often, I struggle. I have waves of emotion and have had to learn to ride them. They pass. Usually,

Not only and I living with my cancer and the medicines I have to take to keep me alive. I’m also living with all the crap normal life throws at you. It was my Macmillan nurse who helped me navigate that, sorting my finances and accessing the payments I needed to help me. They have been amazing actually. You can feel very alone when you have cancer and it’s so important to have someone to support you, like the people I have met through Macmillan. I have done a Macmillan Coffee Morning too before and raised over £400. It means a lot that people care enough to raise money.

I’m stable at the moment. I know that I will never be celebrating an ‘all clear’ milestone but I do mark the day I was diagnosed every year. We mark these milestones, these years I never thought I would have, and I feel lucky. Six years ago, I was given six months to live.


音标来源/ Longman Pronunciation Dictionary & Cambridge English Pronouncing Dictionary


  1. 留意一些重要元音的完整度,比如radiotherapy中的/əʊ/。这里并不处在主重音位置,同时还是处于中间位置的音节,但仍然能够清晰地感觉到/i.əʊ/两个元音完整的过度以及英式口音的特征。

  2. 留意Emilia Fox在处理past等/ɑː/的饱满程度。这些元音的位置都属于MRP,且和TRP(传统RP)有区别。

  3. 更多发音提高和训练请参考以下方式进入专业的英音正音练习社群,这里有一大群喜欢和掌握了英音的伙伴们。




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