


The Versailles Treaty also completely ignored the overpopulated Japan's need for land and raw materials.

This oversight assisted the rise of Japanese imperialism and led to World War II in the Pacific.

We've seen that Wilson's grand designs ultimately failed but he was on the right track for world peace.

Even if Wilson's vision didn't extend to non-Caucasian peoples like the Vietnamese, it was remarkable anyway, it was an honorable attempt.

It showed not just the American people's political and military maturity, but it showed American intellectual maturity.

The best hope for peace after the First World War had come from a nation not a century and a half old.

Segment 27c, Isolationism and Depression.

While the First World War was supposedly making the world safe for democracy, the Bolshevik revolution of October 1917 raised fears of a revolution in the United States.

Although the American Communist Party did not yet exist, labor management strife was nothing new, the more radical labor groups, like the Russian counterparts, played on these fears with terrorist tactics.
