

Hey, everyone. Welcome to Yoga With Adriene.

I am Adriene, and today on the Foundations of Yoga, we are learning Virabhadrasana Three or Warrior Three.

This is a balancing posture, it is a full-body strengthener, a ton of benefits, but really I love this posture because it's about being fierce while also being graceful, gracefully and grandfully.

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Let's learn Warrior Three.

All right, so we're going to learn this in three parts today. We're going to come to a runner's lunge to begin.

So, no fancy swan dive or anything. Again, we're just kind of breaking down the basics to learn the foundations of this posture, and I like getting into it from kind of the earth up, from the ground up.

Gives us a chance to really connect to our center, and of course build a strong foundation.

So, let's take the right leg forward, left leg back, and lift that back knee up, just stretch it out.

Take a deep breath in here. We do have a runner's lunge foundation video.
