迪士尼夜间秀幕后故事 HOW DID THEY DO THAT!? A Behind-the-Scenes Look at Wondrous Journeys | Disneyland Resort


今年迪士尼将迎来成立100周年,而在不久前迪士尼乐园会上一出新的大型夜间秀。它向迄今为止所有 60 部华特迪士尼动画工作室电影致敬,带我们踏上充满艺术、音乐、讲故事和心灵的旅程。它将继续以公园最先进的投影效果为基础,将美国大街、睡美人城堡、小小世界变成艺术家的画布,将人物带到你周围的生活就像烟花在天空中舞动。今天就一起跟着首席媒体设计师看看幕后制作的故事。

Hey everyone, my name is KC Wilkerson and I'm the Principal Media Designer for Disney Live Entertainment here at the Disneyland Resort.

Now, as you guys can see, this is a really special time because we're here at night after the park closed.

And the reason we're here tonight is to take a look behind the scenes at Wondrous Journeys which is our brand-new spectacular to celebrate Disney 100th Platinum Celebration.

What we're gonna do tonight is we're gonna take a look inside of one of the control rooms, we're gonna talk to some of our technicians and see what happens behind the scenes as we bring the show to life.

Come on.

Ready, we're gonna go inside the control room for Wondrous Journeys.

This is where the magic happens for Wondrous Journeys.

So you can see behind me there's a giant wall of screens.

What that does is allows us to monitor the show as it's occurring, right?

So we've got lighting, we've got audio, we've got video and other special effects that occur throughout the show.
