How Much Protein Can Your Body Absorb Per Meal?


How much protein can you absorb in one sitting?

One of the ongoing claims in the fitness industry is that your body can only absorb a limited amount of protein at a time.

The most popular of all is that you can only absorb 30 grams per meal.

Now, before we go any further, lets dispel this absorption limit right away.

The body needs amino acids for virtually all physiological functions, thus, will absorb almost all of the protein you consume.

Heck, the small intestine alone will utilize roughly half of all the amino acids in your body.

Factor in protein needs of all other organs, the notion that the body suddenly stops absorbing protein after 30 grams is completely misguided.

But, the interest IS in building muscle.

Even if our body can absorb all the protein, how much of it will actually go to muscle growth?

And this is perhaps where the bro science caught on.
