雅思口语测试日的十大妙招 10 Best Tips for your IELTS Speaking Test Day


Hello, my friends. And today I'm going to share with you 10 tips for your IELTS speaking test that will help guarantee your success on test day. Let's jump straight into it.

Hello, everybody. My name is Keith, and just in case you don't know me, I run a website called ieltsspeakingsuccess, giving you resources, ideas and model answers to help you improve your English, give better answers, and get a higher score on the IELTS speaking test.

Also, I run Facebook and YouTube live lessons, free lessons for everybody every Tuesday and Thursday at 10 a. m. Spanish time. Go and check it out in the links below.

Now, come closer. Now, listen. Imagine that you've prepared for your IELTS speaking test for months, right? You've been preparing, you've had lessons, you've watched videos, you've done a mock test, you've got a speaking partner and you're ready to go.

And then, it's test day. You get a bit nervous.

You check your Facebook and you think: "Everybody's better than me". And then, you start getting a bit anxious and you start to lose your confidence.

You go into the test room. The examiner doesn't smile.

You start making mistakes. And then the examiner keeps interrupting you and it all goes belly-up.

Well, listen. Don't let that happen to you. Get a pen and paper, listen carefully, make notes and follow these tips to make sure your test day is a success and that you get the score you deserve.

Let's get into it. So, my first tip is go to bed early the night before the test.
