01 像母语者一样说美语 How to Improve Spoken American English - Sound like a Native Speaker


A lot of people ask me if it's possible to sound like a native speaker if you weren't born in the US.

They want to know how long it will take. That, of course, depends entirely upon the individual.

Really focused pronunciation practice can yield great results.

In this video, I'm gonna go over two different ways to study English to perfect your pronunciation.

All you need is the audio or video of a native speaker speaking.

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First, we're going to do a Ben Franklin exercise.

This is when you write down everything you can about what you hear: whether or not you hear words being linked, or if you hear something being reduced, for example.

Now, we'll do this together to help you get an idea of how to listen to and analyze what you hear.

" A lot of people ask me if it's possible to sound like a native speaker-- A lot of people ask me."
