我的四步听书学习法 My 4-Step Framework for Learning With Audiobooks


So over the last few years, I have listened to over 165 audiobooks, and they've been a total game changer for how quickly I've been able to learn new stuff.

So in this video, we're going to go through my four step method with eight tips that have helped me to learn from audiobooks more efficiently.

Part one, listening to books versus reading books.

Now there's been some discussion on the internet about whether listening to audiobooks or reading physical books like which of those counts as reading?

Some people argue that it's actually not the same because well, we're listening rather than reading, and there's something special about reading a book, whether it's on Kindle or in other formats that counts as reading.

Some people also say that allegedly, we absorb information better when we're reading rather than when we're listening.

My sense is that this whole reading versus listening debate kind of misses the point because really we shouldn't be thinking of audio books as being a substitute for physical books, but instead, a way to compliment our reading habit in other areas of our life.

And the way I think of it is that there's broadly three ways in which audiobooks compliment physical books.

The first one is speed.

Often we can listen to things a lot faster than we can necessarily read those things.
