学习技巧——如何学习新内容 Study Tips - How to learn new content


Hi guys, welcome back to the channel.

If you're new here, my name is Ali, I'm a junior doctor working in Cambridge.

And in this video I wanna talk about how you as a student can learn content for the first time.

So if you're watching this video then hopefully you've seen two of my other videos on this channel about evidence-based study tips.

The first one is about active recall and the second one is about spaced repetition.

And if you haven't seen those videos, they'll be linked here and there and down below and everywhere.

I'd really suggest you watch those videos first because I've had literally hundreds of messages from students all around the world who've said that those videos have changed their lives and changed their study techniques to the point that they're much more efficient and are getting much better marks.

Active recall basically means testing yourself and spaced repetition is basically, you know, spacing your testing of yourself across, you know, intervals over a period of time.

But in these two videos I talk about the evidence behind them and explain exactly how you can go about using active recall and using spaced repetition to supercharge your study techniques and to make yourself much, much more efficient at getting information into your brain.

But that's all well and good.
