Principles for Success: "Everything is a Machine" | Episode 5


Principles for Success:

An Ultra Mini-Series Adventure in 30 minutes and in eight episodes.

Episode Five: Everything is a Machine.

Sometimes things happen that are hard to understand.

Life often feels so difficult and complicated.

It's too much to take in all at once.

My deep pain led me to reflect deeply on my circumstances.

It also led me to reflect on nature, because it provides a guide for what's true.

So I thought a lot about how things work, which helped to put me and my own circumstances in perspective.

I saw that at the Big Bang, all the laws and forces of the universe were created and propelled forward, interacting with each other as a perpetual motion machine in which all the bits and pieces coalesce into machines that work for awhile, fall apart, and then coalesce into new machines.
